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Sound and Vibrational Healing
This Sound & Vibrational Healing session is received in the Remember Room while lying on mats.

  • $100 per Hour (1 person)
  • $140 per Hour (2 person)

QEWB Sound and Vibrational Healing

This Sound & Vibrational Healing session is received while lying on a Quantum Energy Wellness Bed.

    • $120 per Hour (1 person)
    • $170 per Hour (2 person)

Vibrational Sound Healing combines tones with powerful vibrations to bring on an almost immediate state of relaxation. Introducing the sound waves directly into the body in conjunction with soothing ambient tones is a powerful treatment. Effects range from a calm meditative state to a deep relaxation. Many have reported a sense of being mentally refreshed as well as a significant decrease in aches and pains.

Relaxation from this treatment bring on the same brainwaves as yoga, tai chi, and meditation. Many clients will quickly drop into an alpha brainwave state, which are associated with daydreaming and pre-sleep. Breathing and heart rate slows and muscle tension releases allowing the body and mind to be in a relaxed state which allows for your body to focus on healing and repairing itself.

Benefits from this treatment include:

  • Quickly inducing deep meditative states
  • Reducing depression and sleep issues
  • Raising focus and gaining a clear mind
  • Boosting creativity
  • Relieving blockages and tension